Hi there!

It's been a while, hasn't it? I first want to thank you all who have played, left comments and/or ratings already for this quirky game. It means so much that you would sacrifice  spend your time with Hope, living your best life as a weird, rambunctious Magical Girl!

Now, while technically the last update was basically the completed game, I had promised that this game will be having some major updates and so I'm gonna consider this latest update to be the full release of Wake Up Magical Girl! Everything that I had originally planned in all in this lovely package for you Magical Girls to enjoy:

  • An unlockable extras menu filled with the following:
    • A CG Gallery, to record the visualized description of your triumph!
    • An Endings List, to help reminisce about how you established your legacy!
      • Here's a Endings Guide if you're having trouble. Be mindful of spoilers!
    • A Concept Art Gallery, to learn what has come before you as you find your calling!
    • A Music Player, to bop to the sick beats that harmonize your journey of enlightenment!
  • Some programmer left behind some easter eggs in Hope's programming!
    • Did you know that a Magical Girl's birthday (MMDD) is of utmost importance? It is as important as their civilian government ID, some might say… 
      • (Hm, what was the birthday of that famous moonlight warrior? June 30th?)
    • Also, 0000 is no longer a valid ID number. (You're a Magical Girl, after all!)
  • New changes in dialogue for a few of the endings alongside a change in its text style and some animated features!

And that is all! I do hope you enjoy these updates! And, of course, if you run into any issues, please let me know! 

Your services are always appreciated, Magical Girls!

For those who hope, live.


Wake_Up_Magical_Girl-1.2-pc.zip 408 MB
49 days ago
Wake_Up_Magical_Girl-1.2-mac.zip 402 MB
49 days ago

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Wake up, Magical Girl, we've got a completed game fr fr ✨

Lmao yesssss enjoy!